Wednesday, June 13, 2012

FAIL...Cutting a wine bottle with string..

Ok, so second project in as many days and second fail in as many days..

I was trying to "cut" a wine bottle by burning a string around it. Instructions said use butchers twine, acetone nail polish remover and a bucket of cold water.

Step 1: clean out wine bottle (this can be done by drinking the wine... Now for the sake of the project, I took one for team and drank the whole bottle- *I do not recommend drinking the wine and then trying the project! Please wait at least 24 hours after drinking to complete project!

Step 2: ask husband for string, lighter and acetone

Step 3: assure husband you will not set house, him, kids or yourself on fire

Step 4: repeat step 3

Step 5: tie string twice around bottle at point you would like to cut

Step 6: soak string in nail polish remover

Step 7: tie string back around bottle and clean any dripping acetone

Step 8: carefully (I wore rubber gloves) light string on fire, when fire starts to burn out dip bottle in cold bucket of water

Well... I tried it three times, I thought I didn't soak the string long enough the first time so I resoaked a second time for an hour, when that didn't work, my husband added Goo Gone to the nail polish remover ( and he thought I was going to blow the house up) I then soaked again for two hours, this time the string wouldn't even burn... It just wouldn't catch on fire....

Oh well... I guess I didn't really need a bunch of wine bottle vases... Guess I shouldn't have drunk all those bottles in preparation....

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