Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gonna get fat...

Was reviewing my Pins so far and realized more than half of them are recipes...

What started out as a craft idea is suddenly turning into a calorie fest!

I better try a workout plan NOW!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ready! Set! Blog!

Ok! Here goes! Decided I can be crafty, I can cook wonderful meals from scratch... Then I see the Pin, work my heart out BUT my crafts/projects never look right!

So here goes, I am going to pick a Pin a day and create the craft, make the meal, work the project! I already picked a few projects to start with and am deciding between a few of the exercise plans and house cleaning plans that I always see Pinned.

My "projects" will officially start on June 11th. Right now if you have Pun you keep seeing or a meal you want me to try... Pin it to me, I'll add it to my list.

Hope you all enjoy!