Wednesday, June 13, 2012

FAIL...Cutting a wine bottle with string..

Ok, so second project in as many days and second fail in as many days..

I was trying to "cut" a wine bottle by burning a string around it. Instructions said use butchers twine, acetone nail polish remover and a bucket of cold water.

Step 1: clean out wine bottle (this can be done by drinking the wine... Now for the sake of the project, I took one for team and drank the whole bottle- *I do not recommend drinking the wine and then trying the project! Please wait at least 24 hours after drinking to complete project!

Step 2: ask husband for string, lighter and acetone

Step 3: assure husband you will not set house, him, kids or yourself on fire

Step 4: repeat step 3

Step 5: tie string twice around bottle at point you would like to cut

Step 6: soak string in nail polish remover

Step 7: tie string back around bottle and clean any dripping acetone

Step 8: carefully (I wore rubber gloves) light string on fire, when fire starts to burn out dip bottle in cold bucket of water

Well... I tried it three times, I thought I didn't soak the string long enough the first time so I resoaked a second time for an hour, when that didn't work, my husband added Goo Gone to the nail polish remover ( and he thought I was going to blow the house up) I then soaked again for two hours, this time the string wouldn't even burn... It just wouldn't catch on fire....

Oh well... I guess I didn't really need a bunch of wine bottle vases... Guess I shouldn't have drunk all those bottles in preparation....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Popstick bracelets

Ok, found a Pin that showed how to make Popsicle stick bracelets.

Fairly simple. Boil sticks, set over night, decorate.

Well, as you can see from my pics... Not quite what I thought. The sticks didn't really get a round shape, some cracked overnight, and none would fit my wrist or my girls....

Oh well... On to my next "project"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mean Abs June.... Killing me!

Ok so I tried to start an exercise routine following the Mean Abs Calendar I found on Pinterest... Fail!

Since we are already 6 days into June I figured I wouldn't be too far behind.. Blah! I backtracked and start as of June 1st. 15 sit ups, 5 crunches, 20 planks, 10 push ups...
Yeah right...

Took me a long time to do even 13 sit ups... And 5 crunches... That was as far as I got :(

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1st project: homemade butter

Last week I attended Pioneer Day at my kids school. One project the kids worked on was butter making.

Super easy.. Sort of.

Step 1: buy heavy cream
Step 2: pour into a glass jar. At the school they used small baby food jars. I used mason jars. My mom tried it and used an old wine glass (w/o a stem) and sealed the top with Saran wrap.
Step 3:shake! Side to side not up and down.
This step takes several minutes and is a good work out on the arms!
Step 4: after a few minutes... Typically 10, the liquid will start to clear up (look like dishwater) drain this, there should be a lump of butter at the bottom of your bottle/jar.
Step 5: scoop out and enjoy!

We tried adding salt to batch as well. Found that if you add it before you start shaking, the consistency will change. Rather than a lump at the bottom your butter will be creamier and there is nothing left to drain.
Either way it was good.

Conclusion: it was a fun little craft for the kids. I would not do this on a regular basis. Heavy cream is more expensive that a stuck of butter and I don't use enough butter to make this worth it. Would be a fun craft to have kids do at Thanksgiving while adults are cooking.