Hello? Anyone there?
Stumbled back on this blog I created several years ago, but apparently gave up on. I have recently been toying with the idea of creating a blog, but stuck on what to blog about. I don't feel like I have any real passions. I travel, I read, I am a mom, a wife, etc. But do any of these (all of these) define me? Are they my passion?
Then I struggle with how much information would be too much? To little? To personal? Should blogging be this hard?
Who would even listen (read)? Do I want my most intimate friends to know what is really going on in my head? Strangers? Neighbors? The PTA?
I even bounced some idea's of my husband but he was no help, other than to say he would support me if I started one.
I realize that no one may care (or everyone may), but this is for me. I may not have any profound life or parenting tips, I may not have any ways for you to save money or any exotic travel locals that make you want to hop on a plane, but I have some insight on all of the above.
Who knows. For now, here's to hoping you want to read more...